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7.1.9 Defining and Viewing Parameters

You can define a series of cases based on a set of parametric values. These parameters may be defined for numeric cell zone and boundary condition settings. This is especially useful if you are using Workbench and performing parametric studies (optimization), comparing cases with different boundary settings. Information about this feature can be found in the Getting Started with ANSYS Workbench manual, in the Parameter Manager chapter. If you are not running ANSYS FLUENT through Workbench, then you can use the parameter settings to define the same boundary condition value to different boundaries having the same units.

The parameters that you have defined in the various boundary condition dialog boxes are accessed by clicking the Parameters... button in the Cell Zone Conditions or Boundary Conditions task page. The Parameters dialog box will open, as shown in Figure  7.1.3, listing all of the input parameters that you have created in the various boundary condition dialog boxes.

Figure 7.1.3: The Parameters Dialog Box

In the Parameters dialog box, you can


Changing the units for a quantity changes the value for any input parameter using that quantity.

Creating a New Parameter

You can create a new cell zone or boundary condition parameter, as shown in Figure  7.1.4.

Figure 7.1.4: The New Input Parameter... Selection

When you select New Input Parameter... from the drop-down list, the Input Parameter Properties dialog box (Figure  7.1.5) will open where you will

Figure 7.1.5: The Input Parameter Properties Dialog Box

Once the parameters are defined in the Input Parameter Properties dialog box, the name of the parameter will appear in the drop-down list of the property you are defining, as seen in Figure  7.1.4.

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Release 12.0 © ANSYS, Inc. 2009-01-29