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6. Reading and Manipulating Meshes

ANSYS FLUENT can import different types of meshes from various sources. You can modify the mesh by translating or scaling node coordinates, partitioning the cells for parallel processing, reordering the cells in the domain to decrease bandwidth, and merging or separating zones. You can convert all 3D meshes to polyhedral cells, except for pure hex meshes. Hexahedral cells are preserved during conversion. You can also obtain diagnostic information on the mesh, including memory usage and simplex, topological, and domain information. You can find out the number of nodes, faces, and cells in the mesh, determine the minimum and maximum cell volumes in the domain, and check for the proper numbers of nodes and faces per cell. These and other capabilities are described in the following sections.

See Chapter  27 for information about adapting the mesh based on solution data and related functions, and Section  32.5 for details on partitioning the mesh for parallel processing.

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Release 12.0 © ANSYS, Inc. 2009-01-29