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33.9.4 In-Cylinder Output Controls Dialog Box

The In-Cylinder Output Controls dialog box contains parameters that control the output for the in-cylinder model. See Section  11.3.6 for more information.



In-Cylinder Data Write Frequency   represents an integer entry specifying the interval in number of time-steps.

Swirl Center Method   contains a drop-down list which allows you to select the method to calculate the swirl center. The list contains center of gravity and fixed, with center of gravity being the default value.

center of gravity   calculates the swirl center inside the code and is used as the center of gravity of the chosen cell zones.

fixed   enables you to specify a swirl center in the X, Y, and Z entry fields below the drop-down list.
for information on user-defined functions.

Cell Zones   is a list which displays the names of all existing cell zones in the case files. You can select only the zones relevant for the swirl and tumble calculations.

Swirl Axis   specifies the swirl axis with three entries for the directional components. By default, X, Y, Z= 0, 1, 0.

Tumble X-Axis   specifies the directional components of Tumble X-Axis in X, Y, Z directions. By default, X, Y, Z = 0, 0, 1. This applies only in 3D.

Tumble Y-Axis   specifies the directional components of Tumble Y-Axis in X, Y, Z directions. By default, X, Y, Z = 1, 0, 0. This applies only in 3D.

File Name   specifies the name of the In-Cylinder output file. By default, the file name contains the name of the case file appended with a .txt extension.

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Release 12.0 © ANSYS, Inc. 2009-01-29