IFTS-ZJU Intensive Courses
Series of Intensive Courses and Lectures, given at the Institute for Fusion Theory and Simulation, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou, starting Spring 2009:
- Advanced Lectures on Hamiltonian mapping techniques
and gyrokinetic transport theory for fusion plasmas (06/23)
- Intensive Course on Kinetic theory and global dispersion relation of
Alfvén waves in tokamaks (06/19)
- Intensive Course on Physics of Alfvén waves and energetic particles in fusion plasmas:
Mode structures and global dispersion of Alfvén waves in tokamaks
(05/18, 05-06/24)
- Intensive Course on Physics of Alfvén waves and energetic particles in fusion plasmas:
Linear physics and stability in tokamaks
- Intensive Course on Introduction to Nonlinear Plasma Physics, Part I: Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions
- Intensive Course on Theory and simulation of nonlinear physics of the beam-plasma systems
- Intensive Course on Nonlinear dynamics of phase-space zonal structures and energetic particle physics in fusion plasmas
- Intensive Course on Kinetic Theory of meso- and micro-scale fluctuations in magnetic fusion plasmas
(04/09), (05/13)
- Intensive Course on Non-linear charged particle dynamics in tokamaks: theory and applications
- Intensive Course on Advanced Plasma Physics (I): Non-linear charged particle dynamics
- Intensive Course on Resonant and non-resonant interactions in beam-plasma systems