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34.5.8 Adapt/Manage...

The Adapt/Manage... menu item opens the Manage Adaption Registers dialog box.

Manage Adaption Registers Dialog Box

The Manage Adaption Registers dialog box provides an interactive mechanism for creating, destroying, and displaying functions for mesh adaption. See Section  27.11.1 for details about using the items in this dialog box.



Register Actions   contains operations applied to adaption or mask registers.

Change Type   toggles the register between adaption and mask types. Adaption registers are used to initiate refining or coarsening of the mesh. Typically, mask registers are combined with adaption registers to control the scope of the adaption process.

Combine   combines the selected adaption registers to create a hybrid adaption function. In some instances, three new registers may be created: a combination of the adaption registers, a combination of the mask registers, and then a combination of the two combined registers.

Delete   permanently discards the selected registers.

Mark Actions   contains operations applied to the cell markings defined in an adaption or mask register.

Exchange   modifies the cell markings in the following manner: all cells originally marked for refinement are marked for coarsening, and all cells originally marked for coarsening are marked for refinement.

Invert   modifies all the cell markings in a mask register in the following manner: all cells that were originally marked as ACTIVE are marked INACTIVE, and all cells originally marked as INACTIVE are marked ACTIVE. Note that this action can only be applied to mask registers.

Limit   applies the adaption volume limits to the selected registers. For information on adaption limits, see Section  27.12.

Fill   marks for coarsening all cells in the adaption register that are not marked for refinement.

Registers   contains a list from which you can select the current adaption and mask registers. Many of the actions in the dialog box are activated or deactivated based on the number and/or type of adaption registers selected.

Register Info   provides the name, ID, number of cells marked for refinement and coarsening, and the type of the most recently selected or deselected register.

Options...   opens the Adaption Display Options dialog box.

Controls...   opens the Mesh Adaption Controls dialog box, which allows you to control certain aspects of the adaption process.

Adapt   adapts the mesh based on the selected adaption register. The Adapt button is deactivated if more than one adaption register is selected. Adaption functions composed of combinations of adaption registers can be produced using commands in the Register Actions and Mark Actions boxes.

Display   displays the cells marked for adaption in the selected adaption register in the active graphics window. The Display button is deactivated if more than one adaption register is selected. Adaption functions composed of combinations of adaption registers can be produced using commands in the Register Actions and Mark Actions boxes.

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Release 12.0 © ANSYS, Inc. 2009-01-29