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33.9.9 Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box

The Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box allows you to specify the motion of the dynamic zones in your model. See Section  11.3.9 for details.



Zone Names   contains the names of the zones in the model.

Type   contains the types of motion that can be specified for a dynamic zone.

Stationary   explicitly declares the zone as stationary, so that the nodes on this zone are excluded when updating the node positions. See Section  11.3.9 for more information.

Rigid Body   specifies the zone as having a rigid-body motion.

Deforming   specifies the zone as deforming.

User-Defined   enables you to specify a user-defined zone motion.

Dynamic Zones   contains a list of dynamic zones.

Motion Attributes   contains parameters to specify the motion attributes for a rigid-body-motion zone and a user-defined-motion zone.

Motion/UDF Profile   specifies the motion of the rigid body zone by selecting a profile or user-defined function from the See Section  7.6 and Section  11.3.4 for information on profiles, and see the separate UDF Manual for information on user-defined functions.

Six DOF UDF   specifies the motion of a rigid body zone by selecting a profile or user-defined function from the drop-down list. This option is available only if Six DOF Solver is selected model.

Six DOF Solver Options   contains parameters for six DOF solver.

On   enables the use of six DOF solver.

Passive   (if enabled) does not take forces and moments on the zone into consideration.

Center of Gravity Location   contains the current values of the coordinates for the location of the C.G. of the selected zone. This item will appear only if the motion Type is Rigid Body, if In-Cylinder is not enabled in the Dynamic Mesh Parameters dialog box.

Center of Gravity Orientation   contains the current values of the coordinates for the orientation defined at the C.G. of the selected zone. This item will appear only if the motion Type is Rigid Body, if In-Cylinder is not enabled in the Dynamic Mesh Parameters dialog box.

Center of Gravity Velocity   specifies the velocity of the center of gravity with respect to inertia coordinate system. This option is available only if Six DOF Solver is the selected model.

Center of Gravity Angular Velocity   specifies the angular velocity of the center of gravity with respect to inertia coordinate system. This option is available only if Six DOF Solver is the selected model.

Lift/Stroke   contains the current value of valve lift or piston stroke which is automatically updated when you click Create. This item will appear only if In-Cylinder is enabled in the Dynamic Mesh Parameters dialog box.

Valve/Position Axis   specifies the direction of the reference axis of the valves or piston for an in-cylinder problem. This item will appear only if In-Cylinder is enabled in the Dynamic Mesh task page.

Mesh Motion UDF   allows you to select the user-defined function that defines the geometry and motion of the zone. This item will appear only if the motion Type is User-Defined.

Geometry Definition   contains parameters to define a deforming zone.

Definition   allows you to select a geometry definition to project nodes of the deforming zone on. Available options are faceted, plane, cylinder, and user-defined.

Feature Detection   allows you to preserve features on deforming zones between the different face zones and within a face zone.

Include Features   includes features of a specific angle.

Feature Angle   specifies feature angle in degrees.

Point on Plane   allows you to specify the position of a point on the plane. This item will appear only when you select plane for the Definition.

Plane Normal   allows you to specify the direction of the plane normal. This item will appear only when you select plane for the Definition.

Cylinder Radius   allows you to specify the radius of the cylinder. This item will appear only when you select cylinder for the Definition.

Cylinder Origin   allows you to specify the location of the cylinder origin. This item will appear only when you select cylinder for the Definition.

Cylinder Axis   allows you to specify the direction of the cylinder axis. This item will appear only when you select cylinder for the Definition.

Geometry UDF   allows you to select a user-defined function for a geometry Definition.

Meshing Options   contains parameters for various meshing options.

Adjacent Zone   contains the name of the adjacent zone which is involved in local remeshing or dynamic layering. This item will appear only if the zone type is Stationary or Rigid Body.

Cell Height   allows you to specify the ideal height of the adjacent cells as either a constant value or a compiled user-defined function. This item will appear only if the motion Type is Stationary, Rigid Body, or User-Defined.

Methods   contains options to specify the mesh update method(s) and controls on a zone by zone basis. These options and parameters will override those that you specified globally in the Dynamic Mesh task page. This item will appear only if the motion Type is Deforming.

Smoothing   enables the smoothing mesh update method.

Layering   enables the layering mesh update method (valid for a prismatic cell zone only). This item will appear only if the zone you are defining is a cell (fluid) zone.

Remeshing   enables the remeshing mesh update method.

Zone Parameters   contains set of remeshing criteria, other than those you specified globally in the Mesh Method Settings dialog box.
Minimum Length Scale   allows you to specify the minimum length scale for the zone. This item will appear only if the zone you are defining is a cell (fluid) zone.

Maximum Length Scale   allows you to specify the maximum length for the zone. This item will appear only if the zone you are defining is a cell (fluid) zone.

Maximum Skewness   allows you to specify the desired value for maximum skewness.

Smoothing Methods   contains two methods of smoothing.

Spring   enables spring-based smoothing method.

Laplace   enables Laplacian smoothing method.

Remeshing Methods   contains two methods of remeshing.

Region   enables region-based remeshing method.

Local   enables local remeshing method.

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Release 12.0 © ANSYS, Inc. 2009-01-29