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33.2.1 Scale Mesh Dialog Box

The Scale Mesh dialog box allows you to convert the mesh from various units of measurement to SI or to apply custom scale factors to the individual coordinates of the mesh. See Section  6.8.11 for details.



Domain Extents   displays the Cartesian coordinate extremes of the nodes in the mesh. (These values are not editable; they are purely informational.)

Xmin, Ymin, Zmin   shows the minimum values of Cartesian coordinates in the mesh.

Xmax, Ymax, Zmax   shows the maximum values of Cartesian coordinates in the mesh.

Scaling   contains controls for converting units and setting the scale factors automatically.

Convert Units   allows you to use the conversion factors provided by ANSYS FLUENT. Then indicate the units used when creating the mesh by selecting the appropriate abbreviation for meters, centimeters, millimeters, inches, or feet from the Mesh Was Created In drop-down list. The Scaling Factors will automatically be set to the correct values (e.g., 0.0254 meters/inch).

Specify Scaling Factors   allows you to manually specify a scale factor in each of the Cartesian coordinate directions.

Mesh Was Created In   contains a list of common units of length. The Scaling Factors will automatically be set based on your selection. The units include common SI and British units such as centimeters (cm), millimeters (mm), inches (in), and feet (ft).

Scaling Factors   contains the factors applied to the mesh in each of the Cartesian coordinate directions. You can enter values manually, or use the Mesh Was Created In list to set scale factors automatically.

X   is the scale factor in the $x$ direction.

Y   is the scale factor in the $y$ direction.

Z   is the scale factor in the $z$ direction (appears only in 3D).

Scale   multiplies each of the node coordinates by the specified scale factors.

Unscale   divides each of the node coordinates by the specified scale factors.

View Length Unit In   contains a list of common units of length. The Domain Extents will automatically be set based on your selection. The units include common SI and British units such as centimeters (cm), millimeters (mm), inches (in), and feet (ft). The units of length in the Set Units dialog box will change each time you change your selection in the View Length Unit In drop-down list.

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Release 12.0 © ANSYS, Inc. 2009-01-29