Alessandro Lampasi

ENEA Personal & Project Web Page

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Special Issue "Advances in Supercapacitor Technology and Applications II"

After the good performance of the first Special Issue, the journal Energies, having Impact Factor 2.702, publishes a special issue titled "Advances in Supercapacitor Technology and Applications II".

The Guest Editors of this Special Issue are:

  1. Alon Kuperman (Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheba, Israel);
  2. Alessandro Lampasi (ENEA, Italy).

This special issue is now open for submission.

Special Issue website Special Issue flyer

Special Issue "Advances in Supercapacitor Technology and Applications"

The journal Energies, having Impact Factor 2.676, publishes a special issue titled "Advances in Supercapacitor Technology and Applications".


The Guest Editors of this Special Issue are:

  1. Alon Kuperman (Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheba, Israel);
  2. Alessandro Lampasi (ENEA, Italy).

This special issue is now open for submission.

Special Issue website Special Issue flyer

International Workshop on Supercapacitors and Energy Storage

The Workshop is expected to be held every year in May or June.

General Workshop website

Workshop 2016

The Workshop was successfully held in ENEA Frascati, Italy, on May 13, 2016.

2016 presentations and pictures

Workshop 2017

The Workshop was successfully held in Valsamoggia, Italy, on May 23, 2017.

2017 presentations and pictures

Workshop 2018

The Workshop was successfully held in Salerno, Italy, on May 31 and June 1, 2018.

2018 presentations and pictures

Workshop 2019

The Workshop was successfully held in Bologna, Italy, on 27-28 June 2019.

2019 presentations and pictures

Round Table on Nuclear Fusion 2015

Nuclear fusion could ensure a large-scale, safe, environmentally-friendly and virtually inexhaustible source of energy. Nuclear fusion is an extraordinary opportunity for research institutions, universities and industries.


This round table introduces the status and perspectives of nuclear fusion also to non-specialist researchers. The main international experiments will be presented. Scientists from all over the world have come together in these experiments to help meet mankind's energy needs. ITER is a large-scale scientific experiment intended to prove the viability of fusion as an energy source and to collect data for the design and operation of the first electricity-producing fusion power plant (DEMO).

These facilities can be considered as complex electrical machines with requirements and outcomes in many fields, as power supplies, superconductors, special materials, radiofrequency devices, real-time measurement and control, vacuum technologies, computational electromagnetics, and so on.

Italy is a pioneer in nuclear fusion research through ENEA, CNR, RFX, CREATE and several universities. Italy is proposing a new European research facility named Divertor Test Tokamak (DTT) to study the power exhaust problem and to support the ITER operations.

Round Table Program

Title Speaker Affiliation
Welcome and introduction Alessandro Lampasi ENEA, Italy
Overview on Fusion Research Giuseppe Mazzitelli ENEA, Italy
Education and Research in Fusion: the ITER Generation and Beyond Fabio Villone University of Cassino, Italy
Training in Power Supply Engineering Supported by the European Fusion Agreement Nicolas Dumas Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA), France
DTT: A New Facility for the Study of the Power Exhaust Problem Raffaele Albanese University of Naples Federico II, Italy
A Spin-off Company for Compact Fusion Reactors Alan Sykes Tokamak Energy, UK
Opportunities in Nuclear Fusion for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: the OCEM Experience Giuseppe Taddia OCEM Energy Technology, Italy
Open discussion All

ETAP Event 2011

The event was held in ENEA Frascati on October 18-21, 2011.

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