Ing. Saverio
De Vito
-Ente Nuove Tecnologie,
Energia e Ambiente
UTTP/MDB-iSense (intelligent sensing)
Ricerche Portici
P.le E. Fermi, 1
: +39 081 772 33 64
+39 081 772 33 44
: saverio.devito
@ enea.it |
Research Interests: |
Information & Sensor Fusion
Wireless Sensor Networks
Electronic Noses & Artificial Olfaction
Biomedical Image Processing
Satellite and
Wireless Networking
Modeling with UML Open
and Distance Education
| | |
purpose of computing is insight,
- Inventor
of the Hamming error correcting codes -
"Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer, for chaos and madness await thee at its end!"
- the ten commandments for C programmers -
Active EU Projects:
| Extended NDTs fo Composite Bonding | | |
| In field Composite bonds quality Assessment by Robotic Olfaction | | |
Materiali Corsi (in Italiano)
Materiale Corsi
(in Italian)
Ingegneria della Produzione Industriale
- Univesità di Cassino
Corso di
Informatica Applicata - [
et al. [
Artificial Olfaction (E-Noses)
and Sensor Fusion
olfaction is a challenging research area that try to build
comprehensive solid state systems able to mimic the surprising
capabilities (sensibility, versatility, reliability, portability,
adaptability, etc.) of the animal (mostly mammalians) olfaction
systems. This
challenge involves the work of researchers
coming from multiple disciplines from Chemistry to Electronics
and Pattern recognition. E-noses, on of the most
promising architecture, are actually build by an array of solid
state chemical
sensors whose responses are sampled and tipycally processed by pattern
recognition algorithms in order to qualify (i.e. classify) or
quantify a particular gas mixture (i.e. detrminig components
concentrations). Actually, solid state sensors suffer from low
stability and low specificity problem, although by means of PR
algorithms low specificity can sometimes be turn in an advantage, the
stability issue still retain a great negative performance
influence. Application of e-noses now ranges from food industry (e.g
wine, oil and cheese origin identification, antifraud, food freshness
determination etc.) to environmental analysis. In our labs two
different e-nose architectures are developed starting from device
design, development and characterization to pattern
recognition techniques implementation. The first developed platform was
designed for outdoor environmental monitoring and civil
protection applications. Geochemical monitoring of fumaroles emissions
in the Solfatara volcane (Campi Flegrei) is, in fact, its primary test
field. The second platform (see below) has been designed for
current e-nose platform limitations in indoor scenarios. Most e-nose
architecture has been designed for fixed operation with power line
availability. Our idea is to build a wireless e-nose platform (w-nose)
called TinyNose able to act as a single sensitive node in a wireless
network scenario in which multiple nodes can cohoperate in order to
reconsruct an "olfactive" image of the sensed environment. The w-nose
should actually have a very small dimensional and energy consuming
footprint while being self powered by relying on batteries or
a reliable energy harvesting technology. At the moment the
w-nose project is in an advanced devolpment phase being equipped with 4
non conductive polymeric sensors connected to a Crossbow
mote platform (Telos rev.B). Custom software architecture has been
developed to allow sensors driving, data acquisition, and transmission
in a mesh shaped topology network. A component interface has been
foreseen for allowing on-board pattern recognition algorithms
implementation (Neural Networks and SVMs).
In our lab, PR tecniques are also used in an off-line fashion for
exploratory data analysis purposes and for the quantification of single
components concentration in complex mixtures and harsh environments.
One of the most attractive scenario is the use of portable devices for
city atmospheric pollution monitoring. Portable devices can, in facts,
be used for overcoming limitations of traditional analyzers
that are characterized by both high dimensional and cost
profile that does not allow for a sufficient density of a monitoring
grid or for the use in cities historical centres. Using
Support Vector Machines in regression schemes it has been proven
possible to exploit solid state chemiresistors responses and air
traffic pollutants particular multivariate distribution to
quantify Benzene concentration over one year interval with very
interesting performances.
Applicative Scenarios:
a) Complex mixtures single components
concentration quantification: Surface contamination detection for safety and security
b) Pollution Monitoring, replacing state of the art air analyzers
c) Instrument Fault Accomodation Schemes
for traditional air traffic monitoring analyzers
d) Geochemical monitoring of fumaroles
emissions in Campi Flegrei caldera.
Sensor Networks
pervasive computing
revolution, together with multi level sensor fusion advancements, is
changing the environment
sensing world fostering new scenarios in which distributed sensing is
the key
for building
a more comprehensive image of the sensed environment. Air
quality monitoring is a scenario that will greatly benefit from
the use of multiple, distributed intelligent sensing units because of
fluidodynamic influences on local concentrations of gas species. In
scenarios, I am investigating the use of a group of multiple, self
powered, electronic
noses that cooperate for extracting an olfactive “image” of the air
quality of
a complex area such as an office building or a research centre, thus
extending the e-nose concept to a novel wireless nose (
In particular, such devices could be profitably used for the detection
and quantification of
VOC released by furniture, cleaning products, solvents etc.
Actually, VOC represents one of the major
threats for indoor pollution in houses, o
ffices and
other manned
environments both for short and long (worst) term exposure effects.
Wireless e-noses to be
used in such scenario should have, as common in wireless
sensing, a low dimensional and power consumption
profile in order to allow a seamless integration with the sensed
and acceptable operative life duration while maintaining sufficient
and quantification performances. In this sense, room temperature
polymeric sensors offer a viable
solution in this specific application domain. Furthermore, the
computing and
communication capabilities of each sensing node should allow the
with the other units in order to let data reach the “data
sink” in which the
olfactive image would be reconstructed via sensor fusion algorithms.Performing
local sensor fusion activities will allow the implementation of local
as well as power saving strategies. In facts, data trasmission is the
power draining source for these architectures, modulating the data
sensing and
transmission rate with estimated pollutants concentration or simply
transmitting data only when a significative event has been detected
could allow
for extra operative life length not only for the single node but also
for each
node involved in the transport of information between the original node
and the
data sink ultimately extending the entire network life.Today
architectures have a very limited suitability for distributed olfactive
measurement since they have been typically designed for single point of
fixed application with power line availability, high temperature
sensors and often operate analysing the headspace of sample vials.
their connectivity is typically based on wired interfaces. On the other
attention in merging wireless sensor networks and chemical sensors
fields is
now growing, despite the very different disciplines involved in such
as witnessed by a limited number of recent works.ENEA UTTP-MDB
is currently working to the development of an actual w-nose called TinyNose
whose first functional release was shown at AISEM 2007 Conference.
TinyNose, the wireless
ENEA Nose, has now reached a prototype phase whose design is primarily
aimed on
stage decoupling for tuning purposes. His architecture is based on a
core mote featuring data acquisition and computing power via a TI
MSP4300 microcontroller.
Communication capabilities are achieved through a CC240 Zigbee
compliant radio.
The commercial mote (TelosB by Crossbow) is coupled to a polymeric
array via a signal conditioning stage while hosting a
complete set
of software components capable to coordinate the
acquisition-processing-transmission duty cycle. Signal conditioning
is based on resistance to voltage conversion obtained through
amplifier in classic configuration. A power conversion circuit
provide power stabilization and adaptation of the 12V battery input. In
prototypal stage, each sensor is mounted on a separate card in which
amplification and coupling configuration can be calibrated
via potentiometers and/or choosing from an
array of fixed resistance allowing for new sensor development. Sensors
resistance can vary from 100Ω to 500K Ω. As regards as
components, our group developed a comprehensive architecture based on
component programming paradigm and the TinyOS operating system
This architecture foresee sensor drivers components that take the
responsibility to empower data acquisition via the microcontroller ADC
local data processing components that can empower local implementation
sensor fusion algorithms. On
the data sink side, a packet forwarder developed in java allow for data
inception and forwarding from the wireless sensor network to a GUI that
is able
to visualize data coming from the different motes recording them on
storage units for further analysis, i.e. second level sensor fusion
implementations. The software GUI offer also the capability to estimate
error performances of single links as well as controlling the inner
duty cycle
of each mote by selecting the data sampling rate. In the previous
stage, TinyNose revealed capable to correctly classify different
sources of
indoor pollutants, we are now devising to use the present stage
in Terpenes detection/concentration estimation problems.
Cook, S.K. Das, Smart Environments:
Technologies, Protocols, and Applications, John Wiley (New York,
2. Indoor
Air Quality – EPA Information Sheet, http://www.epa.gov/iaq/voc.html
3. R.Shepherd
et al.Monitoring
chemical plumes in an environmental
sensing chamber with a wireless chemical sensor network, Sensors and
B, 121 (2007) , 142-149
4. C.A.
Grimes et al., A
sentinel sensor network for hydrogen sensing, Sensors 3 (2003) 69–82.
5. S.
De Vito et al. Enabling
Distributed VOC Sensing Applications: Toward Tinynose, A Polymeric
E-Nose, Proceedings of XII AISEM Conference, Naples Italy,
Polastre et Al., Telos: Enabling Ultra-Low
Power Wireless Research Proceedings of IPSN/SPOTS, April 25-27, 2005
7. A.
De Girolamo Del Mauro et al., “Towards an
polymeric electronic nose: Device fabrication and characterization,
control, data analysis”. Proceedings of Transducers&Eurosensors
XXI, Lione France,
Available Thesis
A limited number of thesis, concerning computer
science related topics,
are permanently available. Available thesis can be classified
in two main classes:
a) Enea
Thesis: Works are performed by students as an Enea embedded student,
using Enea Research Centre @ Portici facilities, included Enea public
transport facilities (and meals, :-)).
Thesis: Works are performed by students mainly @
their own University Labs cooperating with Enea
research group.
c) Informatici senza Frontiere :
I am happy to help students that want to focus their thesis work on
computer ethics or developing ITC based solutions for disadvantaged
populations (e.g.: pls, go google "Open Hospital")
a limited number of industry company related thesis positions are also
available. Students will work @ companies facilities, in strict
cooperation with research and development group.In
all cases students will be routed through their learning path, building
a customized knowledge on object oriented software design-development,
networking and, of course, team working.Applications
will be evaluated also basing on the number of exams to go; as a rule
of thumb, two should be considered as the maximum threshold.In
the following, topics of the available thesis works are enlisted:
Chemical Sensor Network in Indoor scenarios |
works in this area
will require the analysis/simulation/design/development of
SW Architectures and protocols
(formation, routing, in network query processing etc.) for wireless
sensor networks operating in indoor scenarios. Estimated duration : 4
to 8 Months. Basic networking topics knowledge is suggested
as a prerequisite. |
fusion (Electronic noses) |
fusion thesis will be
based on analysis/development of different approaches (Fuzzy logic,
Neural networks, Evolutionary computing, Combination of multiple
classifier, etc.) to information fusion typically applied to
solid state gas sensors (Inorganic Gases, Volatile Organic Compounds).
This sensors shows poor selectivity performance and hence sensor fusion
applied to matrix of slightly different sensors should help to gain far
better performance. Estimated duration : 4 to 8 Months. Previously
gained basic skills on Pattern Recognition or Knowledge engineering are
suggested as a prerequisite. |
| | |
| | Wireless Sensor Networks for Energy Efficiency |
| | Energy
efficiency is of paramount importance for reaching a true sustainable
development. A federation of tiny multisensor device could measure
appliances real time consumptionin apartments and small offices making
data available anywhere, anytime from PCs, Android based phones
and IPhone apps allowing for the increase of energy consumptions
awareness . integration with social networking
architectures, will empower the adoption of more sustainable
lifestyles. Furthermore, this paradigm can be applied to datacenters
and smart buildings for obtaining a continuous monitoring of energy
consumptions allowing the implementation of HVACs fault prevention and
detection as well as accomodation. |
| |
| | GIS Empowered Distributed Sensing and Decision Support Systems in Utilities |
| | Efficient
water management systems require an in deep knowledge of several
parameters across a geographically distributed distribution network. A
distributed chemical and ohysical variables monitoring system, through
the power of GIS models, could provide an effective way to support
water distribution managers in their decision making process.