Short Curriculum Vitae

Saverio De Vito has born in Torre del Greco, (Naples - Italy) in June 1973. He received a Laurea Degree (cum laude) in Computer Engineering in march 1998 from University of Naples "Federico II", with a thesis on computer assisted diagnosis in mammography under the supervision of M. Vento and F. Tortorella.
Afterwhile, He spent five years in a private ITC firm as a software designer and project manager. There, He specialized in the technical management of European Space Agency funded projects for appplications of satellite telecommunications to Telemedicine, Distance learning, Marine communications etc. He was inventor of a satellite file multicast transfer protocol adopted by multiple ESA projects. He was also designer of DSS and Quota management system of the COSMOSkymed satellite constellation. In june 2004 he joined ENEA (Italian national agency for new technologies, energy and environment) as a researcher. His research interests are in the fields of artificial olfaction, wireless sensor networks architectures and protocols, and sensor fusion. His studies have lead to the deployment of several patents and have been applied in mutiple fields ranging from air quality monitoring, to human safety, geochemical monitoring, aerospace industry, packaging industry and energy efficiency. He also focus his interests in object oriented software design and biomedical image processing. He is author of more than 30 peer reviewed pubblications and serves in technical program committee of several conference like IJCNN, NABIC and IEEE Sensors.Since 2005, he is contract professor of Applied Informatics at University of Cassino. Saverio De Vito is member of IEEE, IAPR-IC and AISEM and vice-chair of IEEE task force on Chemometrics.

 Selected Pubblications (google scholar profile)

Flammini A. and  S. De Vito, Wireless Chemical Sensors, in Chemical Sensors Comprehensive Sensor Technologies: Volume 6 Chemical Sensors Applications edited by G. Korotchenkov, (2011), Momentum Press, ISBN: 9781606502396

De Vito S, Fattoruso G., Pardo M., Tortorella F., Di Francia G., Semi-Supervised Learning Techniques in Artificial Olfaction Applications: A Novel Approach To Drift Counteraction, Proceedings of ISOEN 2011, New York, May 2011,AIP Press.

S De Vito, P Di Palma, C Ambrosino, E Massera, G Burrasca, ML Miglietta, G. Di Francia,
Wireless Sensor Networks for Distributed Chemical Sensing: Addressing Power Consumption Limits With On-Board Intelligence, Sensors Journal, IEEE 11 (4), 947-955

S De Vito, E Martinelli, R Di Fuccio, F Tortorella, G Di Francia, A D'Amico,
Artificial immune systems for Artificial Olfaction data analysis: Comparison between AIRS and ANN models, Neural Networks (IJCNN), The 2010 International Joint Conference on, 1-7

De Vito S., E. Massera, G. Burrasca, A. De Girolamo and G. Di Francia. Intelligent Wireless E-Nose for Power Savvy Distributed Chemical Sensing. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Springer, vol. 54, p. 377-380, (2010) ISBN/ISSN: 978-90-481-3605-6, doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-3606-3

S De Vito, M Piga, L Martinotto, G Di Francia, CO, NO2 and NOx urban pollution monitoring with on-field calibrated electronic nose by automatic bayesian regularization, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 143 (1), (2009), 182-191

NASI ELETTRONICI,Energia, ambiente e innovazione 55 (1), 76-89

S. De Vito, E Massera, G Burrasca, A Di Girolamo, M Miglietta, G Di Francia
TinyNose: Developing a wireless e-nose platform for distributed air quality monitoring applications.,IEEE Sensors Conference, 2008,  701-704

De Vito S.,E. Massera, L. Quercia, G. Di Francia Analysis of Volcanic Gases by Means of Electronic Noses. Senosrs and Actuators B, Chem., vol. 127; p. 36-41, (2007)  ISSN: 0925-4005

S. De Vito and M. Pardo, Support Vector Machines for Electronic Nose pattern analysis, E.L. Hines, M.S. Leeson, Manel Martínez Ramón, M. Pardo, E. Llobet, D.D. Iliescu, and J. Yang (2008) Intelligent Systems: Techniques and Applications (978-90-423-0345-4) Shaker publishing

S. De Vito, E. Massera, M. Piga, L. Martinotto, G. Di Francia,On Field calibration of an electronic nose for benzene estimation in an urban pollution scenario, Sensors and Actuators B Chem.,129 (2), (2007), 750-757

S. De Vito, E. Massera, L. Quercia, G. Di Francia,Analysis of volcanic gases by means of electronic noses,Sensors and Actuators B Chem., 127/1 (2007) 36-41;

S. De Vito, A. Castaldo, F. Loffredo, E. Massera, T. Polichetti, I. Nasti, P. Vacca, L. Quercia, G. Di Francia, Gas concentration estimation in ternary mixtures with room temperature operating sensors using tapped delay architectures,Sensors and Actuators B Chem. 124, 309-316 (2007)

D. Esposito, S. De Vito, E. Massera, G. Di francia, F. Tortorella,"Optimization Of Support Vector Machines For Quantitative E-Noses",Proc. AISEM Conference, Naples, Italy, 2007, Word Scientific Publication in Press

S. De Vito, G. Di Francia, L. Martinotto, "Neural Calibration Of Portable Multisensor Device For Urban Atmospheric Pollution Measurement",Proc. AISEM Conference, Naples, Italy, 2007, Word Scientific Publication in Press

S. De Vito, G. Burrasca, A. De Girolamo Del Mauro, E. Massera G. Di Francia,D. Della Sala,"Towards a Polymeric Wireless E-Nose Network", Proc. International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose ISOEN, May 2007, St. Petersburg.

E. Massera , S. De Vito and G. Di Francia, S. Caliro, G. Chiodini,“Analysis Of Gas Mixture in Volcanic Situ with E-Nose”, Proc. International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose ISOEN, May 2007, St. Petersburg.
R. Scafč, L. Montani, G. Iurlaro, G. alonge, T. Fasolino, S. De Vito, D. Della Sala,Scintillation crystal readout by multi-APD for event localization,Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 569 (2006) 180-184

S. De Vito, A. Castaldo, F. Loffredo, E. Massera, T. Polichetti, I. Nasti, P. Vacca, L. Quercia, G. Di Francia, “Tapped Delay Neural Architectures for Polymer and Nanostructured Based Sensor Arrays in a Continuous Gas Concentration Estimation Scenario”, Proceedings of XIX EUROSENSORS 2005.

R. Scafč, G. Iurlaro, L. Montani, A. Santagata, N. Burgio, G. Alonge, S. De Vito, T. Fasolino, D. Della Sala, “Scintillation Crystals and Si-APDs Evaluation for Subminiature Radiation Detectors”, Proceedings of XIX EUROSENSORS 2005.

S. De Vito, G. Di Francia, F. Loffredo, E. Massera, L. Quercia, “A Multilayer Approach to Sensor Fusion for Small Matrices of Thin Film Gas Sensors”, Proceedings of AISEM 2005, in press (World Scientific Press).

R. Scafč, G. Iurlaro, L. Montani, A. Santagata, N. Burgio, G. Alonge, S. De Vito, T. Fasolino, D. Della Sala, “Cathector, A Gamma Ray Detector in a Catheter”, Proceedings of AISEM 2005, in press (World Scientific Press).

S. De Vito, A. Guarino, A. Cardella, M. Protto “netStre@m: an Integrated Highly Interactive Approach to Open/Distance Tele-Education based on IP over SkyplexNet architecture” Proceedings of 2001 World Conference of International Council of Distance Education (CD-ROM edition available at ICDE HeadOffice in Oslo)

S. De Vito, F. Tortorella, M. Vento, Automatic Classification of Clustered Microcalcifications by a Multiple Expert System Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing,(1999) pag. 464-470
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