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26.1 Overview of Using the Solver

In ANSYS FLUENT, two solver technologies are available:

Both solvers can be used for a broad range of flows, but in some cases one formulation may perform better (i.e., yield a solution more quickly or resolve certain flow features better) than the other. The pressure-based and density-based approaches differ in the way that the continuity, momentum, and (where appropriate) energy and species equations are solved, as described in this section in the separate Theory Guide.

The pressure-based solver traditionally has been used for incompressible and mildly compressible flows. The density-based approach, on the other hand, was originally designed for high-speed compressible flows. Both approaches are now applicable to a broad range of flows (from incompressible to highly compressible), but the origins of the density-based formulation may give it an accuracy (i.e. shock resolution) advantage over the pressure-based solver for high-speed compressible flows.

Two formulations exist under the density-based solver: implicit and explicit. The density-based explicit and implicit formulations solve the equations for additional scalars (e.g., turbulence or radiation quantities) sequentially. The implicit and explicit density-based formulations differ in the way that they linearize the coupled equations. For more details about the solver formulations, see this section in the separate Theory Guide.

Due to broader stability characteristics of the implicit formulation, a converged steady-state solution can be obtained much faster using the implicit formulation rather than the explicit formulation. However, the implicit formulation requires more memory than the explicit formulation.

Two algorithms also exist under the pressure-based solver in ANSYS FLUENT: a segregated algorithm and a coupled algorithm. In the segregated algorithm the governing equations are solved sequentially, segregated from one another, while in the coupled algorithm the momentum equations and the pressure-based continuity equation are solved in a coupled manner. In general, the coupled algorithm significantly improves the convergence speed over the segregated algorithm, however, the memory requirement for the coupled algorithm is more than the segregated algorithm.

When selecting a solver and an algorithm you must consider the following issues:

The following two lists highlight the model availability for each solver:


Note that the pressure-based solver provides several physical models or features that are not available with the density-based solver:

The following features are available with the density-based solver, but not with the pressure-based solver:

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Release 12.0 © ANSYS, Inc. 2009-01-29