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1. Basic Fluid Flow

This chapter describes the theoretical background for some of the basic physical models that ANSYS FLUENT provides for fluid flow. Models for flows in moving zones (including sliding and dynamic meshes) are explained in Chapter  2 and Chapter  3, models for turbulence are described in Chapter  4, and models for heat transfer (including radiation) are presented in Chapter  5. An overview of modeling species transport and reacting flows is provided in Chapter  7, details about models for species transport and reacting flows are described in Chapters  7- 11, and models for pollutant formation are presented in Chapter  13. The discrete phase model is described in Chapter  15, general multiphase models are described in Chapter  16, and the melting and solidification model is described in Chapter  17. For information on modeling porous media, porous jumps, and lumped parameter fans and radiators, see this chapter in the separate User's Guide.

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Release 12.0 © ANSYS, Inc. 2009-01-23