GATe_Ancient Languages - Grid Access To e_Ancient Languages-

Encoding and Textual Analysis of Ancient Languages using Ideograms and Syllabograms

GATe _H - Grid Access To e-Hittite Studies

GATe-H to Digital Hittite Studies is ...

This ENEA-GRID Project in e-Hittite Studies, harmonizes:
- Text Mining on cuneiform corpora,
- Network Analysis and Visualization of Relationships among texts, words and characters (mapping genealogies for stemmatics, authorship attribution, philological researches, etc.),
- Simulations of linguistic and social phenomena, modelling complex dynamics over time.

The aim of GATe-H is to give Open Access to Knowledge hidden in Hittite texts.
ENEA invites the Hittitological Community to collaborate in HITTITE Virtual Lab with a
crowdsourcing approach.

HITTITE Virtual Lab

ENEA HITTITE is a Virtual Lab on e-Humanities.
HITTITE V-Lab is the digital environment where the Hittitologist and research teams can meet and collaboratively work together, exchanging research results, best practices, fonts, software, e-text collection, lexical resources (dictionaries, grammars, ontologies, genealogies and name dictionaries, etc), images, etc.

HITTITE Virtual Lab uses the computational resources and the innovative on-line services of
ENEA-GRID and particularly the high performance computing platform CRESCO.
In HITTITE V-Lab an x-window interface to ENEA-GRID, a videoconference room and tools for video and documents sharing are available.



Corpus TITUS (no line) preprocessed texts and screenshot in TaLTaC2.
Corpus TITUS (with line) preprocessed texts and screenshot in TaLTaC2.


Lydian Corpus by H. Craig Melchert

Giusfredi, F., "Note di lessico e di cultura tribale, Centro Mediterraneo preclassico - Studi e Ricerche III - Studi vari di egeistica, anatolistica e del mondo mediterraneo, ed. Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, pp. 145-172.
lingue Anatoliche
Cotticelli Kurras, P., "La ricostruzione della protolingua indoeuropa alla luce dei dati anatolici" Incontri linguistici 32 (2009) - Fabrizio Serra Editore - Pisa-Roma - URL:

Archi, A., "Pensavano gli Ittiti?"

Rizza, A., "Grammatology and digital technologies. Different applications of the concept of ‘character’ in unicode and other non-technical problems about ancient scripts" - Centro Mediterraneo preclassico - Studi e Ricerche III - Studi vari di egeistica, anatolistica e del mondo mediterraneo, ed. Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, pp. 145-172.




Nome Evento -  Dettagli evento, Luogo, Data




NOme Evento -  Dettagli Evento, Luogo, Data




To collaborate or for more information please send an email to "contacts"