Curriculum Vitae

Silvio Migliori

Since 2022, he has been collaborating with ICT research institutions in the area of HPC, Cryogenic Plants, Pellet Injector for Advanced Thermonuclear Fusion Plants, and Neutron Sources.;

From 21010 to 2022 Director of ENEA ICT DIVISION ( DTE-ICT/TERIN-ICT );

since 1995, as Computer Science Area Director´s Assistant first, and then (from March 2001) as Vice Director for Scientific Computing, he has been promoting the development of new tecnologies in the field of traditional and parallel computing, leading realization of advanced systems for innovative informatic infrastrucures (computational grid, virtual environment);

from 1983 to 1995 he was involved in the project for Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion, with a responsibility role in definition, development and setting up of special plants related to national and international sperimental programs (FTU, Ignitor, ORNL (USA)...);

since 1983 he has been working in Enea;

From 1981 to 1983 he worked in Italcable as Project Leader in a team of Management Systems Developers (Database design).

Personal & educational information

He was born in Castro dei Volsci in 9-9-1955, received the degree in Nuclear Engineeringat the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in 1980 with full marks (110/110). He specialized in Automatic Controls, Electronics and Computer science.

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